Jonathan Breshin Jonathan Breshin

How To Do What You Want For As Long As Your Want

I have friends and colleagues in their 50's and 60's who move and feel better than some of my clients in their 20's and 30's. Here’s what they do different.

In fitness these days most people think exercise means going as hard, fast and intense as possible.

The "No Pain, No Gain!" mentality.

The fixation on burning calories or pushing yourself beyond measure tends to damage and deplete the body and organs in ways that aren’t always so obvious.

And most think that feeling sore, tight and achy is “normal” - it’s what it takes to be “healthy”.

But unless you’re a competitive athlete, it’s a short sighted way of staying fit for most adults.

You really need to ask yourself what’s your end goal?

Is it simply to live in a state of pain and discomfort just to​ look good, or is it to be able to do what you want, when you want for as long as you want?

The older people I train with who display power, control, balance and agility work out hard sometimes, but mostly they focus on refined strength that’s built over time.

They’re training for today but considering how they’ll feel tomorrow and decades from now.

Refined strength and freedom of movement is something that’s cultivated using focus, patience and consistency.

They’re not just focused on their body and how it looks but how it’s connected to every other aspect of their life experience.

They’re aware that how they move is a reflection of their mental state, and how their mental state also reflects how they move.

They study the relationship and harmony of their body mind & spirit, everyday.

The latest and greatest exercise routines out there are oftentimes not a recipe for longevity and true health and fitness.

Taking some time out to consider what you truly want for your future self is worthwhile investment of your time.

Because having a body mind that functions and performs well, and with more control and freedom into your 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond is done in a nurturing way, not a violent and aggressive way.

Here are a few things to consider as you go into your next workout or activity:

  1. Can you feel your whole body contribute to the movement/exercise you’re performing. (This will require focus and global awareness of your body)

  2. See if you can perform the movement while keeping the breath slow, deep, even and without force.

  3. Look for quality and precision over quantity and intensity.

If you apply these ideas consistently, and observe your results, you’ll find clarity on how to make the movement better, and you’ll experience more longevity and comfort as you continue to move forward in your life!

The path to true health and vitality lies not in pushing our bodies to the limit, but in nurturing them with mindful, balanced practices that serve us today and preserve our well-being for the years to come.

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Jonathan Breshin Jonathan Breshin

Say Hello to Qi Gong: Your New Best Friend for Pain-Free Living

Qi Gong: Your New Best Friend for Pain-Free Living

Life sure is a crazy ride, isn't it? Between juggling work, family, and everything in between, our health sometimes takes a backseat. If you're in your 30's, 40’s or 50’s, chances are you've had a run-in or two with annoying orthopedic pain. And, let's face it, the thought of popping pills or going under the knife doesn't exactly sound like a fun day at the beach. But guess what? There's another way to kick that pain to the curb – and it's called Qi Gong (sounds like Chee Gung).

The Struggle:

Ladies, we hear you. Between raising the kids and running the world, who has time to focus on their own health? But neglecting ourselves can lead to nasty issues like neck, shoulder, and back pain. And it's pretty hard to strut your stuff in Zumba class when your back is killing you. Fellas, we haven't forgotten you. We know it's frustrating when pain gets in the way of hitting that perfect golf swing or romping around with the kids.

Meet Qi Gong - Your Pain Buster:

Now, you might be scratching your head and thinking, "Qi Gong? What's that? Isn’t that for old people?" Let's break it down. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese practice that's all about slow, deliberate movements, deep breathing, and focusing the mind. The goal is to balance your body and mind - from head to toe.

In essence, Qi Gong is like your body's personal energy factory and self-applied massage and chiropractic treatment from inside out. It works to amp up your body's natural healing abilities, balance and aligns the musculoskeletal system, physiology, body’s natural rhythms.

Why Qi Gong Beats Other Options:

Sure, physical therapy and other treatments have their perks. But Qi Gong takes things a step further. It's not just about curing what ails you physically - it's about getting your mind and spirit in on the action too. By unlocking your body's 'Qi' or 'life energy', Qi Gong helps you kickstart your body's self-healing process, alleviate pain, improve your posture, and boost your flexibility.

Also, it’s not about just resolving the issues you’re dealing with today, it’s about preventing future problems as well. Qi gong helps to reprogram the way you move through life. It restores the natural, intrinsic movement you likely once had but los, so that you approach the activities of your life with more stability, agility and ability.

Qi Gong – A Long-Term Buddy:

Here's the best part – Qi Gong is sustainable. You can take things at your own pace and still reap the benefits. Whether you're an athlete, performer or a newbie, Qi Gong is your ticket to managing orthopedic pain naturally and long-term. Regular practice is incredibly empowering and can help you take charge of your life and get back to doing what you love – pain-free!

Wrap Up:

So, there you have it. Beating orthopedic pain doesn't have to mean a trip to the operating room, reliance on doctors and therapists or a lifetime prescription. With Qi Gong, you can live a healthier lifestyle, manage pain naturally, stay more focused and energized and regain your confidence.

If you want to learn more or you’re ready to start your journey to managing pain yourself then get ready to experience the Qi Gong transformation. Get in touch with us and let’s see if Qi Gong can help you.

Keywords: Qi Gong, orthopedic pain, natural remedy, life energy, body and mind balance, chronic pain relief, improved posture, flexibility, overall health, drug-free approach.

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